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Dade County

A unit association of the Florida Pharmacy Association

The Dade County Pharmacy Association (DCPA) is a unit of the Florida Pharmacy Association, the largest and oldest state-wide organization representing the profession of pharmacy in Florida.

Mission Statement:


The mission of pharmacy is to serve society as the profession responsible for the appropriate use of medications, devices and services to achieve optimal therapeutic outcomes.


In pursuit of that mission, DCPA:

  1. Advocates the interests of pharmacists and pharmacy technicians in Miami-Dade County;
  2. Represents members on issues of economics, political action and public relations of interest to pharmacy;
  3. Promotes, supports and provides education for the enhancement of professional, management and leadership
  4. Promotes the highest professional and ethical standards of practice for the delivery of pharmaceutical care;
  5. Identifies, evaluates, and responds to trends and events that impact pharmacy and the health care system, and;
  6. Fosters effective communication between pharmacists, health care professionals, and the public to enhance the
    overall quality of health care.

|  Member Notices  |


Review Your CE posting status

Members are reminded to regularly review their CE posting status at CE Brokers.  We encourage that you check the hours posted to ensure that the provider is correctly posting your hours.  We also encourage that you confirm the type of credit posted: Consultant v.s. General Credit.


Also Remember:

to check your hours before and after any license renewal. Once hours are posted for general credit toward the PS license, they cannot be changed to Consultant credit to be used at that PU license’s renewal.

Your annual membership provides you with a full subscription to CE Brokers. Take advantage of your membership benefit.


Congratulations!  The Dade County Pharmacy Association inducted its President at the January Residency Seminar.

Although virtual, our new officers rose their right hand and repeated the oath of office that was issued by Bert, Chairman of the Board of Directors.

The incoming president for 2023-2025 is Taylor Harris, PharmD.


If you would be interested in running for office or serving on the Board of Directors, Continuing Education Committee, etc. please contact us at

Special Thanks!

Thank you all who participated in the 28th Annual Residency Program.

Evaluations have been reviewed and shared with the Residents and their Preceptors. The program content and presentation were well received.

|  Pharmacist Resources  |

Florida Pharmacy Association Logo
Board of Pharmacy Florida Logo
CPE Monitor Logo
CE Broker Logo
American Pharmacists Association logo
Drugwatch logo

|  Information You Should Know  |

Dade County Pharmacy Association Pharmacist lineup image

Business Meetings are held in conjunction with the regular Continuing Education Programs. Members are welcome to participate in these meetings.